Amaretti Chocolate Cake Recipe

Amaretti Chocolate Cake - Italian Recipe

Serves 6-8


  • 175 g/6 Oz dark/semisweet dark chocolate
  • 450 ml/ ¾ pint/1 ¾ cups double/heavy cream
  • 4 tbsp. brandy or Cointreau, or use fruit juice
  • 500 g/1 lb 1 Oz soft amaretti biscuits/cookies
  • 1-2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder. for dusting


Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a heavy-based saucepan. Add the cream and place over a gentle heat. Heat. stirring frequently with a wooden spoon. until the chocolate has melted and a smooth mixture is formed.

Remove from the heat and stir in the brandy or Cointreau or fruit juice. Leave until cool. stirring occasionally. then pour into a shallow dish.

Place a small circle of baking parchment in the base of a 900 ml/1 ½ pint/3 ¾ cup pudding basin/ovenproof bowl and lightly oil the sides of the bowl.

Dip a few biscuits/cookies into the chocolate mixture and place in the base. Top with a thin layer of the chocolate mixture and continue layering. finishing with a layer of biscuits.

Place either a saucer that fits inside the basin on top of the biscuits or fold some foil to make a sturdy lid. Place some weights on top. then leave overnight in the refrigerator.

The next day. run a knife around the side to loosen. then invert onto a serving plate. Shake to remove the basin. Sprinkle with a little-unsweetened cocoa powder and serve. Store in the refrigerator.