Anger Management: 9 Proven Tips to Control Your Anger

Anger is a common state of mind that reproduces an emotional sensitivity. This condition can be caused by weakness or great emotional sensitivity, or damage to the person’s liver. This usually occurs from poor dietary habits and foods, pollution and numerous medications. As a really common problem, especially in the modern societies, anger management is certainly important for your personal health and your social relationships with other people.  

Anger Management Best Tips Anger Management

If you often have anger control problems, start by considering these ten proven anger management tips: 

  1. Your Words Have Impact: Think Before You Speak

It is very easy to say something that you’ll later probably regret. It is hard but you need to practice. Every time you feel anger just take a few seconds to collect your own thoughts before saying something. It’ll take some time, but you will gradually learn to control your anger and improve your personal character habits.

  1. When you are calm, express your thoughts and anger

Once you have calmed down, express the frustration in an assertive but non-confrontational manner. State your needs and concerns directly and clearly, without hurting other people or even trying to control them.

  1. Physical activity will help you

Exercise or doing other physical activities (for example gardening, cleaning the house, or doing some active hobbies) can help you reduce stress and control your anger. In case you feel that your anger is an escalation, then leave the house, or go for a run or brisk walk, or just try to be alone and calm yourself.

Note: Remember not to drive when you are really angry because it can be fatal for your life and/or the lives of other innocent people.

  1. We all need a timeout on occasion

Timeouts are not just for children. We all need short breaks from time to time. Try to give yourself some break during times of the day, which tend to be pretty stressful. Just 5 minutes of quiet time can help your feel stronger to handle what is ahead without getting angry or irritated.

  1. Try to identify the problem and do your best to solve it

Instead of just getting angry or simply focusing on what made you so mad, you need to work on solving the problem at hand. Is your partner always later for dinner? Schedule the time for dinner later, or agree to have dinner on your own a few times per week. Do your children’s messy rooms drive you crazy every day? Try to do your best to teach them (and not scream) to be more careful or to clean their own rooms.

  1. Use “I” statements to describe the issue

Avoid placing blame or criticizing that may just increase the tension. Try to be specific and respectful. Use more” I” statements in order to describe the problem. For example, instead of “You never throw away the garbage!”, you can say” I am really upset that you always forget to throw away the garbage from the house.”

  1. Don’t allow your anger or negative feelings to make you bad person

FORGIVENESS is an incredibly powerful tool! Don’t allow your anger or negative feelings or thoughts to crowd out your positive feelings, because you can easily find yourself swallowed up by your own sense of injustice or bitterness or sense of injustice. If you forgive someone who infuriated you, you will both learn from that particular situation. It is quite unrealistic to expect everybody to behave as you want at all times. 

  1. Try to use humor

Some humor may help you diffuse tension. Use humor to aid you to face what’s making you mad, and perhaps, particular unrealistic expectation you have for how some things should go.

Note: Avoid irony, though, it can easily hurt feelings and make the things even worse. 

  1. When the temper flares – put some relaxation skills to work!

You can control anger by practicing relaxation techniques as deep breathing, rhythmic exercise, meditation, and yoga. Every time when your temper flares –  put some relaxation skills to work! You can repeat calming words like “Take it easy” or imagine some relaxing scene. You can also write in a journal or listen to music that relaxes you.




Nowadays, many people all over the world have problems to control their anger. These tips for anger management can help you stay calm and be a better person.

However, if your anger seems out of control – seek help! Consider seeking help for your anger problems if these anger management tips are hard for you and especially in the case, your anger causes you to do stuff you regret or hurts the people you love.