Cheap & Delish Cappuccino White Chocolate Mousse

Cappuccino white chocolate mousse is one of the top desserts that I always prepare when I get a sugar craving. It’s simple, cheap, and tastes like heaven! Plus, perfect for beginners in the kitchen. My hubby loves desserts that include coffee, so this one is totally his jam! I recommend this mousse to those who like the taste of white chocolate, coffee, and tiramisu. Following, you can read the instructions:


For the mousse:

  • ½ cup coffee, chilled
  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee powder
  • 1 ½ teaspoon gelatin powder
  • 1 3/4 cups condensed milk
  • 70 grams white chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cup heavy cream

To garnish (optional):

  • White chocolate shavings
  • coffee powder, to dust



  • First, prepare the coffee as you usually do. Then, pour ½ cup of the chilled coffee into a small bowl; add the instant coffee powder and stir to dissolve. Sprinkle gelatin powder into the coffee and allow to soften for 3 minutes.
  • Next, in a small pot crush the white chocolate into pieces, then add the gelatin mixture and pour the condensed milk. Set over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until the mixture dissolves (around 2 minutes). Remove from the heat and add vanilla extract; allow to cool at room temperature.
  • Meanwhile, using an electric mixer, beat the heavy cream to soft peaks and add into the coffee mixture in two additions. Combine to incorporate.
  • Spoon the cappuccino white chocolate mousse into cups or serving glasses. Refrigerate for 3 hours to set.
  • Before serving, dust some coffee powder or sprinkle chocolate shavings over the mousse. Serve.



One Response

  1. PD September 19, 2022