Cherry Chocolate Mousse Cake Recipe

This cherry chocolate mousse cake is one of the most delicious desserts that I’ve ever tried! My friend Rita makes this cake very often and serves it after a dinner…so elegant!… and I finally got the recipe! Simple and easy, here are the directions:

Servings 8


  • 14 oz. (400 grams) cherries, stoned
  • 4 tablespoons brandy or rum
  • 70% dark chocolate shavings, for topping
  • Extra 100 grams (3.5 oz.) dark chocolate, melted – to decorate (optional)

For the cake:

  • 4 ½ oz. (125 grams) 70% dark chocolate
  • 2 oz. (55 grams) plain flour
  • 2 oz. (55 grams) blanched almonds, toasted
  • 3 medium eggs, separated
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 4 ½ oz. (125 grams) butter, softened
  • 4 ½ oz. (125 grams) caster sugar

For the ganache:

  • 8 oz. (225 grams) 70% dark chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 16 fl. oz. (450 ml) heavy cream



  • For the topping: in a small bowl, apply the stoned cherries with 3 tablespoons brandy/rum. Leave overnight (to soak).
  • Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C/Gas Mark 4. Grease and line (with baking parchment) a 9-inch (23 cm) spring form tin.
  • In a double-boiler or over a low heat, melt the 4 ½ oz. (125 grams) chocolate together with the 3 tablespoons water. Remove from the heat and whisk in the egg yolks with the remaining 1 tablespoon brandy/rum. Leave aside to cool.
  • In a food processor or blender, process the flour and almonds together until finely ground.
  • Next, beat the sugar and butter together until fluffy and light. Add in the chocolate mix, and after that gently stir in the almond/flour mix. Beat the egg whites until soft peaks from and fold into the cake batter.
  • Pour into the prepared pan and bake for about 30 to 35 minutes. Remove and allow to cool.
  • In the meantime, prepare the ganache: In a large bowl, place the heavy cream. Bring to the boil, remove from the heat and add the chocolate pieces. Leave for around 4-5 minutes, so the chocolate can melt. Then, mix together and place in the refrigerator to cool.
  • Remove the ganache from the fridge and, using an electric mixer, beat it shortly (about 1-2 minutes). Place the chilled cake back in the clean spring form tin and pour over the alcohol and cherries. Then, spoon over the ganache; smooth with a spatula.
  • (Optional: melt 100 grams (3.5 oz.) dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl in a microwave for 30 sec. interval on high. Spread over the cake.)
  • Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  • Before serving, decorate with some more chocolate shavings (if desired). Slice and serve.
