Classic Panna Cotta: Traditional Italian Recipe

Classic Panna Cotta

Classic Panna Cotta

Serves 4


  • 11 g packet gelatine or 3 gelatine leaves
  • 250 ml/8 fl oz. /1 cup milk
  • 250 ml/8 fl oz. /1 cup double/heavy cream
  • 1 vanilla pod/bean, split in half lengthways or few drops vanilla extract
  • 25 g/1 oz. / 1/8 cup caster/superfine sugar

For the fruit sauce:

  • 300 g/11 oz. frozen red fruits such as raspberries or fruits of the forest
  • 1-2 tbsp. sugar, or to taste
  • 2-3 tbsps. orange juice or water

See Also: 12 Infused Water Ideas to Help Your Hydrate


Pour 75 ml/3 fl oz. /5 tbsps. almost-boiling water into a heatproof bowl, then sprinkle in the powdered gelatine. Stir until dissolved, then leave to cool. If using gelatine leaves cover the leaves with the water and leave for 20 minutes or until softened.

Pour the milk and cream into a heavy-based saucepan and add the vanilla pod/bean or add the vanilla extract together with the sugar. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 5-8 minutes until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from the heat and stir in the gelatine liquid in a thin, steady stream or add the softened leaves and stir until dissolved. Leave to cool.

Discard the vanilla pod and pour the milk mixture into four 150 ml/ ΒΌ pint/ 2/3 cup ramekins or small dishes. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour until set.

Meanwhile, make the fruit sauce. Place the fruit into a saucepan with the sugar and orange juice or water. Place over a gentle heat and cook for 5 minutes or until the sugar has dissolved and the fruit is beginning to collapse. Either serve with whole pieces of fruit or blend to form a smooth sauce. If liked, rub through a fine sieve to remove any pips.

Serve with the set panna cottas.