Dizziness Homeopathic Remedies

Dizziness homeopathic remedies are an effective way of treatment if you have a frequent feeling of lightheadedness, imbalance or wooziness. There are also certain drugs that can easily make you dizzy, weak and disoriented.

Dizziness is a common feeling of lightheadedness, wooziness, and disorientation. If you feel that the room is spinning, you experience vertigo.

Being dehydrated or a sudden drop in blood pressure can make you dizzy. Some of the most common causes of dizziness are an inner ear problems and motion sickness. Many people experience dizziness if they get up too quickly from lying down or sitting. This is not a serious condition and can be easily treated. However, there are certain cases when it can be a symptom of other health conditions. 

Dizziness Homeopathic Remedies Dizziness Homeopathic Remedies

Here are some of the most effective homeopathic remedies for dizziness:

  • Gelsemium

Gelsemium is very useful in conditions when you feel dizzy while getting up and while lying down. This disorder is often accompanied by blurred vision and it gets even worse while turning the head suddenly. This is also a common feeling when a person is drunk.

  • Phosphorus

Phosphorus is a great cure for dizziness and other related issues that are caused in the morning, mostly because of an empty stomach. It will also be really beneficial for treating trembling and fainting.

  • Cocculus indicus

This remedy is excellent against motion sickness and other related issues. It is usually accompanied by certain digestive problems. In case you often look out of a train or car or some other moving objects and feel dizziness and nausea, this is the best choice for you.

  • Bromine

If you feel dizzy and imbalanced when you are looking at a running water, then bromine is a long lasting remedy for you that will help you eliminate dizziness.

  • Conium

It is used generally for older people, who regularly consume tobacco. Conium is also used for disorders when brain feels quite numb and things get even worse while lying on your bed.

  • Causticum

This natural medication is truly effective in case you have frequent dizziness and   tendency to fall forward, as a reason of head associated issues. 

  • Nux vomica

Nux vomica is really useful for lightheadedness, especially in a crowded place. Plus, if you often see bouncing lights around you this is a perfect remedy for you. 

  • Argentum nitricum

This is an ideal remedy for people who walk and feel that the surrounding stuff will fall on them any moment.




Homeopathy treats the individual as a whole. This means that the homeopathic remedies focus on the person and his pathological condition. The dizziness homeopathic remedies are selected after a full analysis and examinations. Besides natural home remedies for dizziness, you can try these dizziness homeopathic remedies that can help you stop this condition forever.

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