The Easiest Way to Make Your Own Natural Fragrance and Smell “Expensive and Luxurious”

Natural fragrance is a perfume made from natural ingredients as absolutes and essential oils. The perfumer can also incorporate some handcrafted tinctures of flowers and/or spices.

Isn’t it exciting to make your own perfume just like the ancient Egyptians who considered this method as both science and art?

We know some people might think, “homemade perfume won’t be as good and appealing as the expensive luxurious fragrances”. However, as a quick history note, when fragrance reached France (in the 18th century), the popular “eau de Cologne” was made. This scent was a blend of neroli, lemon, and bergamot – all natural ingredients!  Which were standard in perfume industry till the 1920s. 

About the Your Health Tubers-Natural Fragrance Suggestion

Natural Fragrance 

The price of fragrances is pretty high. For example, a bottle of a popular perfume by Chanel or Versace can cost from $50-$150. This price is really high for a smell that is not even unique! In this article, we offer you some tips that can help you create your own natural scent with a few ingredients and lot less money.

Your Health Tubers decided to share the following natural fragrance where the main note is cedar wood essential oil and the middle note lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) essential oil because these two scents have incredible power to relax the body and mind.

The fragrance is also relaxing, calming, and balancing – emotionally and physically. Carrying a bottle of this fragrance around with you is like having your own first aid kit, natural fragrance, and pick-me-up.


What’s the difference between natural fragrance and fragrance I buy at the mall?

The perfumes you can buy from a perfume store are mass produced and usually include synthetic aroma chemicals.  So, when these perfumes list notes of sandalwood or rose, for example, they contain very little or even NO actual sandalwood or rose. Generally, these notes are made from synthetic aroma compounds, mostly from petrochemicals and may include phthalates.


Why are natural fragrances so expensive?

The materials used to make these, are really expensive.  Many use lovely and rare natural extracts that cost a lot and difficult to find.  For example, rose oil is priced at just lower than $500 for 1 ounce and its price is expected to grow by about 25% this year!  Moreover, the mainstream perfume industry that spends more on advertising than on the actual fragrance-natural perfumers spends most of the budget on obtaining some amazing essences.

How to Make Your Own Natural Fragrance? 

Combining different oils means that you have lots of adaptabilities when it comes to different smell options.  In order to make this perfume, you will need:

  • Sandalwood or cedar wood essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Carrier oils (such as almond or jojoba oil), or alcohol
  • Lemon extract
  • 2 oz. spray glass bottle
  • 2-3 tablespoons of spring water


  • Equally divide 24-26 drops of base, middle and top notes essential oils. Then, mix well.
  • Next, put in 1-2 teaspoon of carrier oil (by your choice) or ¼ cup of straight vodka (or some other alcohol). For sensitive skin, we recommend you to use some carrier oil as a substitute for alcohol.
  • Shake well the mixture for around 30 seconds.
  • You should leave your perfume to stand for at least 48 hours. The longer your fragrance stands – the better. You can leave it for 3 weeks mostly.
  • After the fragrance has sat for some time, add 2-3 tablespoons of diluted water.
  • If the smell is too strong for you add some more water.

In order to make your fragrance last long, add 1 tablespoon of glycerin (which is a neutral, colorless liquid). You can find glycerin it in your local pharmacy. It will help the other ingredients to dissolve better.

Congratulation on your own, new fragrance!

Just shake up the spray bottle and spray whatever you’d like!

Basic Tips for Creating a Natural Fragrance 

  • The fragrance is typically made up of BASE NOTES – active the longest in a perfume, as sandalwood or cedarwood.
  • MIDDLE NOTES – smell stays second longest, as lavender, nutmeg, rose, lavender, basil, rose, coriander, jasmine, coriander.
  • TOP NOTES – evaporates first, as peppermint, mint, orange, lemon, lime, bergamot.




Commercial perfumes usually contain toxic chemicals that can cause you skin problems, especially if you use them for very long time. You can prevent this and save money as well, by creating your own natural fragrance.

Choose your favorite essential oils! You can also use vanilla…there is just so much to choose from!

Have you ever tried to make your own natural fragrance? What do you like about this perfume? Share if you find this article interesting and useful! 

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