Fungal Nail Infection: 5 Great Natural Treatments

Fungal nail infection (toenail fungus), or medically known as onychomycosis, is a common infection of the toenails or fingernails, which can cause the nail to become thick, discolored, and more likely to crash and break.

Causes of Fungal Nail Infection 

Fungi could live on the dead tissues of the nails, hair, and outer layers of the skin.

The most common fungal infections are:

  • Athlete’s foot
  • Jock itch
  • Ringworm (on the skin of the head or body)

Toenails fungus usually starts after a fungal infection on the feet, and they appear more frequently in toenails than in fingernails. They are also more often common in adults as they age.

fungal nail infection


You are more likely to get a fungal nail infection if you have:

  • Nail injuries or minor skin
  • Nail disease or deformed nail
  • Moist skin for a longer time
  • Immune system problems, and/or
  • Wear footwear that doesn’t allow air to reach the feet.


Nails with this infection are usually:

  • Discolored (white, brown, or yellow)
  • Thick
  • Fragile
  • Cracked

Most of the times, the fungal nail infection is not painful except it becomes severe.

Natural Remedies 

  1. Lavender Oillavender oil

Lavender oil has antiseptic properties and numerous volatile compounds that can fight every infection and also prevent skin irritation. Just apply 4-5 drops of lavender oil under the top edge of the infected nail. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off and dry the toes completely. Do this 2-3 times daily.

  1. Coconut Oil

coconut oilFatty acids that are found abundantly in this oil, insert themselves in the lipid layer of the fungal membrane and upset it, leading to cell disintegration and the eventual destruction of the nail. Simple apply some coconut oil on the affected toenail and leave it to absorb and dry naturally. Repeat this 3-4 times a day.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Sodaapple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar and baking soda are ideal combination that treat and prevent fungal nail infection from spreading. It destroys fungi and bacteria at the same time. Just mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and ½ teaspoon of baking. Apply this solution on your nail and leave it for 15 minutes. When done, wash and dry your toenail completely. Use this mixture every day and you will notice improvement quickly.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

tea tree oilTea tree oil has antifungal and antiseptic properties that help in treatment of fungal nail infections. This oil is also used to treat numerous other skin infections. Just mix 4-6 drops of tea tree oil in 1 teaspoon of orange oil or olive oil. Apply the mixture on the affected area. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day.


  1. Clean Your Nails with Antibacterial Soap

Wash your nails every day with an antibacterial soap and use disinfectant before and after each use. It is also recommended that you don’t file down the nails with refillable nail files. You should get disposable emery boards and throw them after you finish, because they can carry the infection from toe to toe and drag on the healing process.

Preventive measures 

  • Keep your feet and hands clean and dry.
  • Clip your toenails and fingernails short.
  • Do not walk barefoot in areas like public showers or locker rooms.
  • Do not share your nail clippers with other people.
  • When visiting a nail salon, you should choose the one that is clean and of course, licensed by the cosmetology board of the state. Make sure the nail salon sterilizes the nail instruments after every single use, or, you can even bring your own.  

When to Visit Your Doctor 

You need to see your doctor if you affected nail gets swollen, red, very painful, and starts to grow irregularly. Your doctor will probably prescribe antifungal pills, or if your case is really serious will remove the infected nail. In this case, it usually takes several months to one year for this infection to disappear completely.




The fungal nail infection is usually healed with some of these natural remedies, and by the growth of new, non-infected nail. The nails grow really slowly. If your feel enormous pain and discomfort, accompanied with swollen and red nail area, you need to visit your doctor. Antifungal medications or nail surgery can successfully treat this issue. However, it may take up about one year for a new clear nail to grow.
