How to Get Rid of Blackheads Fast? Causes, Prevention, and Myths

Blackheads are little, dark spots on some part of the skin. They are triggered by a minor plug in the opening of a pore (follicle). Blackheads are also known as open comedones. Many people around the world have these issues, therefore, how to get rid of blackheads is one of the most asked questions.

Causes of Blackheads 

It is always important to know the causes first before you learn more about how to get rid of blackheads. That can help you prevent any skin problems in future.

The skin is made of many follicles (pores) that vary in their size. Every single follicle contains a gland and one hair that creates oil, known as sebum, which aids keep the skin lenient. Dead skin cells along with oils collect in the opening to the pore, producing a bump (comedones). When the skin over the comedone is closed that bump is known as a whitehead. If the skin over the comedone opens, usually forms a little black (because of the exposure to the air) spot, known as a blackhead.

Certain factors can increase the chances of developing blackheads and acne, including:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress
  • Improper skin care
  • Excessive use of skin products
  • Genetics

Other factors involved in acne and blackheads formation include:

  • Cleansers, cosmetics, and clothing that cover or block pores
  • High humidity or heavy sweating
  • Disease, medications, or dietary factors that encourage fast skin cell turnover.

Moreover, there are particular steroid drugs that can cause some skin eruptions or make acne worse.

 How to Get Rid of Blackheads

How to Get Rid of Blackheads?

Blackheads home treatments are not just affordable, they can be effective and great to your skin as well. Here are some home remedies that will show you how to get rid of blackheads really fast.

  1. Green Claygreen clay

Green clay is a fine green powder. It has unique mineral composition responsible for its powerful detoxifying skin care benefits. You can find green clay for external use in every organic store and supermarket. All you should do is mix a 1-2 tablespoon of green clay and ½ cup of water in order to get a smooth paste. Apply it on your entire face and leave it for 10 minutes to dry. In the end, wash your face with some lukewarm water. 

  1. Egg White

egg whiteEgg whites make an easily removable mask that is perfect for a quick treatment of acne and blackheads. They are rich in nutrients good for the skin.

Just take an egg and separate the yolk from it. Apply 3-4 layers of the egg white on a dry skin, being sure to leave each layer to dry first between applications It will temporarily tighten your pores, remove the current blackheads, and reduce chances of future blackheads.

  1. Tomatoestomatoes

Tomatoes have great antiseptic properties that make them effective and helpful in de-clogging the pores and remove blackheads.

Simply mash one tomato and use the juice as a facial treatment. Apply it on areas that are mostly prone to blackheads, as your nose or chin. Let it stay as long as you can, or 2 hours will be just fine. The tomato will dry up your blackheads completely and eliminate them quickly.

  1. Sugar and Honey

sugar and honeyThis face pack will help you clean the skin. It acts as a natural facial scrub. There are different opinions between the dermatologists about facial scrubs, some approve them as a great facial treatment, and other suggest that facial scrubbing is not so good for the skin.

However, Your Health Tubers as healthcare professionals, support this traditional treatment and decided to share it because many people got very positive results from its usage. So, if you want to try it, first you should wash your face with some lukewarm water. Then, mix enough amounts of honey and sugar and apply the mixture on your skin, especially on the parts where the blackheads are visible. The scrub will eliminate the dead skin that allows the blackheads to surface and clean your skin.

  1. Oatmeal and Yogurtoatmeal and yogurt

This is an incredibly nourishing face treatment that will help you get rid of your blackheads. Combine some oatmeal and Greek yogurt and apply the mixture carefully on your skin. Wash it off after 10 minutes. For best results, repeat this twice a week.

  1. Tea Tree Oil

tea tree oilTea tree oil is best known for its amazing antiseptic properties that make it effective for treating many skin problems, especially acne and blackheads. Apply some tea tree oil every day on your skin. It will not just help to get rid of blackheads, but it will also prevent them from coming back.



  1. Honey and Cinnamonhoney and cinnamon

This is another great facial treatment that you can do it anytime you have skin problems. Just mix ½ teaspoon of cinnamon with 1 teaspoon of honey, and apply it on the blackheads area. Leave it for about 6-8 minutes and wash off with warm water. It will remove the dirt from the follicles and eliminate acne and blackheads from your skin.

  1. Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

olive oil and lemon juiceOlive Oil and lemon are popular ingredients that have great health properties. They are also very effective for treating various skin problems. Simply mix equal amounts of lemon juice (freshly squeezed from one lemon) and olive oil in order to make an effective facial toner against acne and blackheads. Then, use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to your entire face (concentrate on the nose area). Do every day and you will be glad on how easily your acne and blackheads fade away. 

  1. Baking Soda and Waterbaking soda and water

The small granules from baking soda work as natural and easy way to exfoliate and eliminate anything clogging your follicles and thus, causing blackheads.  All you need to do is mix some water and baking soda in order to get a thick and spreadable paste. Next, gently massage the paste into your skin. In the end, wash thoroughly with plain water.


Myths about Blackhead Treatment 

If you read many articles or information about blackhead treatment you may find different statements or advice. Therefore, Your Health Tubers decided to share some professional opinions about blackhead treatment in order to help you do the right thing and solve your problem. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, there are 2 major, but certainly debunked myths about how to get rid of blackheads at home.

  • Squeezing, popping and picking blackheads or other spots lesions (these actions, while possibly providing initial satisfaction, actually worsen lesions by causing potential scarring and inflammation).
  • Abrasive scrubs for washing blackheads and acne (these don’t improve the condition and can cause irritation).


Prevention of Blackheads 

The risk factors leading to blackheads and other skin issues are mostly unavoidable – the hormone changes during pregnancy, or puberty, for example, definitely cannot be prevented. However, there are ways to prevent a deteriorating of the effect of excessive sebum production: 

  • Do not follow some of the myths about dealing with a blackhead, as described above;
  • Avoid tight clothing that doesn’t allow your skin to breathe;
  • Avoid cosmetic that block the skin, and
  • Avoid heavy sweating and highly humid air condition.




Blackheads are common in acne. If you are often experiencing acne, blackheads or other skin problems these natural remedies can answer your question how to get rid of blackheads. Although you can treat your skin problems with these effective and safe home remedies, you shouldn’t squeeze, pop or pick your blackheads or acnes. That will just cause inflammation and scarring on your skin. Avoid using many cosmetic products or just stick to one that is good for your skin. More serious inflammatory lesions should be individually treated by a dermatologist.