Homeopathy for Treating Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and is one of the several hepatitis viruses. It is considered as the most serious form of hepatitis because it can cause a great amount of damage on the body.

Hepatitis C can only be transmitted through blood. Therefore, there is nothing you can consume or not consume that will help prevent this disease.

Hepatitis C Treatmentshepatitis c

Hepatitis C is often medically treated with a combination of medicines that the patients take for several months.

If this infection is diagnosed in its early stages, a condition that is known as acute hepatitis, treatments may not need to begin straightaway. As an alternative, you might have another blood few months later in order to see if the body fights off the virus.

If this infection continues for more than a few months, a condition that is known as chronic hepatitis, further treatments will be recommended.

Lately, there are some popular alternatives that can be helpful for hepatitis C infection.

In accordance with certain researches made by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, the homeopathic treatments for this type of hepatitis have shown excellent results.

People with chronic Hepatitis C recognize that their infection of the liver is obstinate and not easily eradicated. Principally for the estimated 49 % of individuals who do not respond to the Hepatitis C treatment, finding alternatives to help defeat this virus are in high demand. Although it is a controversial approach, promoters claim that homeopathic therapies constitute a perfect match for Hepatitis C managing, as they offer a safe, healing avenue to decrease viral load and reduce liver disease symptoms.

Homeopathy for Hepatitis C 

According to particular online surveys made by Your Health Tubers, homeopathic medicine may not be on the list of most popular alternative medical systems in your living area, but there are plenty of supporters. The homeopathic remedies offer a potential success for dropping a viral load and decreasing the symptoms of liver disease, especially for chronic Hepatitis C patients who did not respond to antiviral treatment.

Professionals agree that the usage of homeopathy for this disease is better when advised by an expert. Some of the remedies that are used for hepatitis  treatment, include:

  • Belladonna
  • Aconite
  • Lycopodium
  • Nux vomica
  • Mercurius
  • Chelidonium
  • China Officinalis

The dosages and combinations of homeopathic remedies highly dependent on each patient individually. These homeopathic remedies usually are accompanied by certain lifestyle recommendations.




The effectiveness of hepatitis C treatments can strongly depend on the strain of the virus infection you have. Homeopathy has promoters all around the world, most of them were successfully cured with this system of alternative medicine. People who do not want to be medically treated with drugs can try alternative homeopathic treatments.