Houseplants to Improve Indoor Air Quality: NASA Approved!

Improve indoor air quality can be quite difficult, especially in winter and summer. Nowadays, there are many artificial products that are giving good results but sill natural way is the healthiest and the best way to provide indoor air quality for you and your family.

Houseplants are a wonderful ornament in every house. But, most of the plants filter out some harmful compounds in the air and make it really healthier to breathe.

So, the question is which plant is good to have it inside your house?

In the late 1980s, NASA made a clean air study on houseplants that can provide cleaner and purer air for their space stations. And what they found was that there are certain houseplants, which can improve the indoor air quality and therefore, purify the air.


Your Health Tubers collected this list of 10 houseplants approved by NASA that you can keep in your house to improve indoor air quality.  You can find most of these plants at your local florist or some home improvement store.

10 Amazing Houseplants to Improve Indoor Air Quality

  1. Peace lilyPeace lily

When it comes to indoor plants, white peace lily plant is one of the easiest to care for. However, proper growing conditions are still very important. They can grow up about 16 inches, and larger ones can reach even 6 feet tall.

The Peace Lily is a wonderful plant that can improve indoor air quality about 61 %.

In bathrooms, white Peace Lily can keep shower tiles and curtains free from mold and this plant can absorb harmful vapors from acetone and alcohol.

  1. Aloe Vera

aloe veraHaving an aloe Vera plant (and use it, must the need arise), could make even the most not into plants and high-tech people feel like herbalists and truly love it.

Aloe Vera is a great purifier of the air inside the house – especially recommended for sleeping rooms. Aloe Vera has numerous health benefits and that is also one of the reasons why many people have it their homes. It is easy to grow and helps to keep the house free from benzene that is the main component in the paint and some chemical cleaners.

  1. EucalyptusEucalyptus

Eucalyptus is attractive fast-growing, large, evergreen plant. People usually associate this plant with its native Australia environs and fun-loving koalas.

This plant is hard to find in a houseplant, but you should really try to find it because it has a delightful scent that will surround your house, and it can provide many year-round shades.

The leaves of the Eucalyptus plant contain tannins that can raise healthy fluids in the body’s airways and improve indoor air quality. Just breathing in the scent of Eucalyptus plant can help to lower problems with congestion and hold off colds.

  1. English Ivy

English IvyEnglish ivy is a woody evergreen plant. It can grow as juvenile form (a vine) or adult form (a shrub).

English ivy is a popular ornamental, appreciated for its great abilities to thrive in shady places, cover unsightly walls and provide excellent ground cover, tree stumps, and sheds.

This plant is ideal for those who have pets in their house as it can reduce the quantity of airborne fecal matter. Moreover, it can absorb formaldehyde from certain household cleaning products, carpeting treatments, and furniture. Research show that keeping an English Ivy plant in your office will improve indoor air quality and will also give you better focus because it could absorb trace quantities of benzene (a chemical contained in office equipment).

  1. African Violets African violet

The African Violets are impeccable purple houseplants. They are so adaptable to every kind of environment. So, that could be the reason why they become one of the most popular houseplants to grow. African violets bloom readily, but they prefer indirect sunlight. They have no specific flowering season and they could be in bloom year-round.

Staring at the plant can increase the flow of oxygen to the brain and stimulate adrenaline release that can aid you to relax.

African Violets are one of the most popular plant in Europe that improve indoor air quality. They grow perfectly in artificial light, therefore, African violets are great for those who don’t have access to direct sunlight. 

  1. Boston Fern 

Boston FernBoston fern is a popular houseplant. A proper care is essential to keep this plant healthy. This plant offers amazing healthy and beauty benefits. If you keep it indoor it will provide a nice tropical atmosphere in your living room.

Boston fern is humidifier and can help to restore moisture in the air, which makes it perfect for cold weather and skin problems. It can also eliminate traces of formaldehyde.

  1. Heart-Leaf PhilodendronHeart Leaf Philodendron

It is probably one of the easiest houseplants that you can grow. Philodendron care includes 3 simple needs: water, sunlight, and fertilizer. The leaves of this plant are usually heart-shaped (as their name says).

You can train Heart-Leaf Philodendron as vines, which makes them suitable for homes without little children or pets. Another thing is that these plants are toxic, so if you have a pet maybe this plant is not the best choice for your home.

Heart-Leaf Philodendron is good at removing formaldehyde and excellent for improving indoor air quality.

  1. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese EvergreenIt is one of the best plants if you are a beginner in gardening, or if you are too busy to keep your houseplants fresh and alive.

Even though this plant is tolerant of low light and low humidity, still it will produce blooms and beautiful red berries.

Chinese evergreen is easy to care for and can help filter out various air pollutants. The longer you grow this plant, the more toxins it will remove. 

  1. Spider PlantSpider Plant

The spider plant is one of the most adaptable houseplants and the easiest to grow. Spider plant is good for purifying the air in your house.

Within just 2 days, it can remove more than 90 % of the toxins in the indoor air.

The leaves of the Spider plant grow really quickly and help to absorb toxins and other harmful substances like mold so it is a perfect choice for those who have common dust allergies. It also aids to absorb traces of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.

  1. Chrysanthemum 

ChrysanthemumYou can also find these flowers under the name Florist’s Mum or Pot Mum. They are classic houseplants often brought as a present at Mothering Sunday, Easter, or Christmas. In many parts of the world, Chrysanthemums are symbolism of motherhood.

Chrysanthemum houseplant requires lower light to quite force blooms. The beauty of this plant makes its brilliant choice for a houseplant and it offers great benefits to indoor air quality as well.

Chrysanthemums can help to filter out benzene, a chemical contained in numerous household detergents, plastics, paints and glue products. These plants work well as hanging plants near your windows.




Just pick up one or several of these extraordinary houseplants and take care of them. You will enjoy their beauty and great health benefits that they offer.

These plants will filter out harmful chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde, improve indoor air quality, and provide your family with oxygen, pure and free from toxic agents.