Italian Bread Dip (The Best Classic Recipe)

This Italian bread dip with oil is a traditional Italian dip it’s a must have if you like Italian cuisine. You can eat it as an appetizer, breakfast, late-night dinner and even snack. I highly recommend eating a good Italian bread like ciabbata or coppia ferrarese, or French bagguette. Here is the recipe:

Servings 3-4


  • 1 loaf Italian bread (or French baguette)
  • 1/5 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, pressed
  • 1 tablespoon oregano, dried
  • ½ tablespoon basil, dried
  • 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
  • balsamic vinegar
  • black pepper



  • In a salad sized plate, pour the olive oil and apply pressed garlic all around the edges of your plate in order to create a ring of garlic.
  • Next, drizzle some balsamic vinegar over olive oil and garlic. Sprinkle parmesan cheese, black pepper, basil, and oregano over entire Dip bread until the garlic loving heart contents.

Buon Appetito!

Italian Bread Dip (The Best Classic Recipe)

This Italian bread dip with oil is a traditional Italian dip it’s a must have if you like Italian cuisine. You can eat it as an appetizer, breakfast, late-night dinner and even snack. I highly recommend eating a good Italian bread like ciabbata or coppia ferrarese, or French bagguette. Here is the recipe:


  • 1 loaf Italian bread or French baguette
  • 1/5 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic pressed
  • 1 tablespoon oregano dried
  • ½ tablespoon basil dried
  • 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
  • balsamic vinegar
  • black pepper


  • In a salad sized plate, pour the olive oil and apply pressed garlic all around the edges of your plate in order to create a ring of garlic.
  • Next, drizzle some balsamic vinegar over olive oil and garlic.
  • Sprinkle parmesan cheese, black pepper, basil, and oregano over entire
  • Dip bread until the garlic loving heart contents.
  • Buon Appetito!


Servings 3-4

One Response

  1. Georgia L Winston September 14, 2022