Refreshing Limoncello Tiramisu

If you are a tiramisu fan, you probably tried many tiramisu recipes. Most of the recipes, in general, are based on chocolate and coffee, so today am offering this yummy and refreshing Limoncello tiramisu recipe that is ideal spring-summer dessert for all the tiramisu lovers! Here is the recipe:

Limoncello Tiramisu Recipe

Servings 12 


  • 40 savoiardi (ladyfingers) cookies
  • 1 cup sugar divided
  • 5 large eggs divided
  • 1 1/2 cups Limoncello liqueur, divided
  • Zest of 3 Meyer lemons
  • ¾ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 16 oz. mascarpone cheese at room temperature
  • 1 cup water


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  • Line a baking sheet with wax paper. Let it hang over the edges on 2 sides.
  • Next, fill a saucepan with around 1 inch of water and place it over high heat till the water comes to a simmer, then reduce the heat and keep it at a steady simmer.
  • Apply 2cups of ice in a mixing bowl and fill with around 2 inches water.
  • Add the egg yolks, ½ cup of Limoncello, and 1/4 cup of sugar in a mixing bowl. Put the bowl over the simmering water, and whip vigorously around 5 minutes or just until the mixture thickens. Remove the mixing bowl and place it in the ice water.
  • Empty the simmering water from the pan. Pour the 1 cup water, ½ cup sugar, the lemon juice, the remaining cup of Limoncello, in the saucepan. Then, heat over high until boiling, and continue cooking at a boil for around five minutes. Leave aside to cool.
  • In a mixing bowl, with a whisk or an electric mixer, whip the mascarpone cheese until softened. Put the lemon zest and whisk until fluffy and light.
  • In a bowl, whip the egg whites until frothy. Slowly add the sugar and whisk until the whites form soft
  • Fold 1/3 of the egg yolk mix into the mascarpone cheese, now fold in the rest of the yolk mix. Next, fold in the whites, ¼ of the egg whites at a time.
  • Rapidly dunk 20 savoiardi/ladyfingers one at a time in the syrup and apply in the baking pan. Put each cookie tightly next to the other to make a layer. Neat cookies as required to fill the bottom of the pan without any gaps.
  • Then, using a spatula smoothly spread ½ of the lemon custard over the cookies. Repeat with the remaining savoiardi/ladyfingers, and spread the rest of the lemon custard over top.
  • Next, fold the wax paper above the top of the lemon custard. Wrap the baking pan with plastic wrap, and place in the fridge for at least 6-7 hours.
  • Finally, cut into squares and serve. Keep in the fridge the leftovers.

Buon Appetito!