Psoriasis Treatment: 15 Natural Remedies

Psoriasis treatment can improve the appearance of skin patches and the symptoms. However, there is not any cure for this condition. 

About Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a long-lasting skin condition of scaling and inflammation, which affects greater than 3,5 % of the U.S. population, or up to 5 million adults. Though the disease appears in all age groups, it mainly affects adults. It occurs about equally in females and males. Psoriasis is not a contagious disease.

This skin condition usually causes sore or itchy patches of thick and red skin with hoary scales. A person usually gets the patches on the knees, elbows, back, scalp, palms, feet, and face, but they can also show up in other parts of the body. Certain people who have psoriasis get a form of arthritis known as psoriatic arthritis as well.

An issue with the immune system can cause psoriasis. In a process known as cell turnover, cells that grow deep in the skin come up to the surface. Usually, this takes about a month. In psoriasis, it occurs in just days because the cells rise really fast.

Natural Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis Treatment

In case you wonder how to treat psoriasis, there are some natural remedies that can help you reduce the symptoms. However, you need to consult your doctor before trying some natural remedy for psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegarapple cider vinegar

It is high in acetic acid that has remarkable biological effects. Apple cider vinegar can kill different types of bacteria. It is a great natural cleansing agent that has been used by numerous ancient cultures. Apple cider vinegar can be a great psoriasis treatment for the scalp. It can help release scalp itch from psoriasis.

  • Apply 1 cup of apple cider vinegar on your scalp. Do this 4-5 times a week for a month.
  • If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute a ½ cup of apple cider vinegar into a ½ cup of water, in order to prevent a burning sensation.
  • In the end, rinse off with a warm water in order to prevent irritation.


Note: Do not use apple cider vinegar if you have open wounds because vinegar will irritate the skin and cause a burning sensation. If it works for you, you should see results within a few weeks.

  1. Fish Oil

fish oilFatty fishes are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are helpful for treating various health conditions. Fish oil can boost the immune system and protect against heart disease.

Consuming a few servings of albacore tuna, salmon or other fatty fish per week, can help you reduce inflammation, scaling, and pain.

Alternatively, you can include fish oil supplements in your diet. It will help you improve psoriasis symptoms.


Note: Do not take fish oil if you are on blood thinners because it can raise the risk for bleeding.

  1. Waterwater

Water is an essential thing for psoriasis treatment. You should drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated and keep your skin from getting dry. You can also use a humidifier to help keep your skin moist and soft, especially in winter.

  1. Cayenne pepper

cayenne pepperCayenne pepper contains many health benefiting compounds such as vitamin C, capsaicin, flavonoid anti-oxidants, and Vitamin A. Capsaicin is a potent ingredient of cayenne pepper that makes it hot. Added to ointments and creams, capsaicin can block the nerve endings, which transmit pain. Therefore, scientists from the University Medical Center Freiburg (Freiburg, Germany) have proven that capsaicin from cayenne pepper, especially in its powdered form, can help reduce inflammation, pain, scaling and redness associated with psoriasis.

  • Apply a very small amount of powdered cayenne pepper in the affected area. Leave it for 15-20 minutes to act and then rinse off with some water. Do this twice a day for a week.

Note: Some people might feel a burning sensation where ground cayenne pepper is applied.

  1. Aloe Veraaloe vera

Aloe Vera can treat many skin issues. Some studies have proven that aloe Vera can help decrease redness and scaling related to psoriasis. You should apply aloe Vera topically.

  • Just cut an aloe Vera leaf from a plant. Carefully use a sharp knife to remove the gel from the leaf. Apply the jelly on your affected area. Repeat this 3 times daily.
  1. Dead Sea Salt

epsom saltIn the past, people who suffered from psoriasis have traveled to the Dead Sea in Israel to soak in the salty water and experience the great healing benefits. Many people find that dead sea salt can help alleviate many skin issues associated with itching and burning.


  • Add authentic dead sea salt (you can find it in organic stores) to your warm bath and soak for about 15-20 minutes. It can help ease itching and remove scales.

Note: You need to apply some moisturizer to your skin after getting out of the bath. Moisturizing is truly important for psoriasis treatment.

  1. Tea Tree Oiltea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been used to treat many skin issues and infections for centuries. It comes from the leaves of a plant that originates from Australia. So far, there is no scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of tea tree oil for treating psoriasis. However, many people found this oil very beneficial for treating this condition.

  • Apply a few drops of tea tree oil on the affected area. Leave it for 30 minutes to act. In the end, rinse off with some water. Do this twice a day.
  • In the case of scalp psoriasis, you can use organic shampoos with tea tree oil.


Note: Do not use tea tree oil on a sensitive skin, it may cause an allergic reaction.

  1. Oats

oatsOats are one of the most popular remedy for psoriasis treatment that has been used for centuries. Up till now, there are no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of oats for psoriasis. However, they are considered as one of nature’s greatest skin soothers, which helped many people with psoriasis.

  • Take a bath in oats a few times a week.
  • Alternatively, you can make an oat paste. Just take 1-2 tablespoon of oats and mix them into a cup of water in order to make a paste. Apply some on the affected area 2-3 times a day. It may help you relieve itchy skin and reduce redness. 
  1. Turmericturmeric

Turmeric belongs to the ginger family. It has a potent ingredient called curcumin, responsible for its yellowish color. Many researchers have suggested that turmeric can treat psoriasis and other skin related problems.

  • You should include turmeric in your psoriasis treatment diet in order to improve your symptoms and appearance of the skin. You can find it in many foods as mustards, cheeses, curry powders. Moreover, you can take turmeric in a supplement form, of course, in consultation with your GP. Other supplements with powerful anti-inflammatory properties that may help you treat psoriasis are milk thistle, oregano oil, and primrose oil.

Note: Your Health Tubers are not recommending you to use turmeric topically. It may cause irritation.

  1. Oregon Grape

oregon grapeIt is an amazing antimicrobial herb that plays a great role in immune response. Oregon grape is native to North America and is traditionally used for treating various health problems. Researchers have shown that Oregon grape can be effective in soothing mild to moderate psoriasis. Oregon grape should be used only topically.

  • Apply a few drops of Oregon grape essential oil (or some Oregon grape cream) on the affected area. Do this a few times a day.
  1. Fruits and Vegetablescitrus fruits 

You should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables in order to ease symptoms of psoriasis. Include various colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet that contain powerful disease-fighting antioxidants and are rich in fiber. You need to maintain a healthy weight. This is especially important if you take medications for psoriasis treatment.

  1. Gluten-Free Diet 

fiber foodsPeople with celiac disease are at higher risk for psoriasis because gluten may cause inflammation – and psoriasis is an inflammatory condition.  Therefore, you should make certain changes in your diet and lead gluten-free diet in order to reduce the symptoms and improve the appearance of your skin patches.


  1. Massagemassage

Massage is an ideal way to relieve stress and chronic pain. Therefore, it can be a helpful way for relieving symptoms of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

  • You can go for a professional massage, or ask someone from your family to knead or rub your muscles to help you relax. You should avoid using massage oil – it may irritate your skin.
  1. Yoga

yogaIt is another proven stress reducer. Yoga can help you reduce stress and relieve the itch and pain of psoriasis. It can also help you improve the range of motion if you suffer from psoriatic arthritis.

  • Try doing yoga at least 20 minutes every day. This exercise should involve some meditation as well as stretching, strengthening, and breathing movements.

You can visit your local yoga studio to learn some basic movements and practice them at your home, where you can feel much more comfortable during psoriasis flares.

  1. Acupunctureacupuncture

According to experts, acupuncture is really useful for many forms of arthritis, as well as psoriatic arthritis. However, there are many people who claim that this practice is not helping them – and there are people who actually claim that acupuncture works perfectly for them. We suggest acupuncture as an individual treatment for psoriatic arthritis because there are many examples that this practice can relieve psoriasis symptoms, especially knee arthritis pain.




Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, the skin, and the nails. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for this condition. What is worse is the fact that not every psoriasis treatment works for everyone. You can use some natural remedies shown in this article and see what works for you.


Note: Some natural remedies can cause dangerous interactions with certain medications. Moreover, you shouldn’t take herbal remedies if you are breastfeeding or pregnant, or in case you have some pre-existing medical condition such as high blood pressure, mood disorders, or diabetes.