6 Ways to Relieve Stress Naturally

Stress is one of the main problems in today’s hurried and complex society. Weather changes and problems at work are some of the most common reasons for stress. This condition has a great impact on our daily lives and health, and can lead to obesity, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Many people find the cure in taking pills. But, these medications can be really bad for your health, and taking pills can easily become an addiction.

So, in this article, we present you a list of some of the most effective steps you can take to relieve stress naturally. 

  1. Lavender essential oil and aromatherapy 

There are various therapeutic benefits of lavender. It is perhaps the most useful essential oil, which is used for many conditions affecting the nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems.

This herb has a calming aroma that can lower your blood pressure and heart rate, both of which may help you relax and even drop off to sleep.

Experts claim that the smell of lavender can stimulate the limbic system that affects the brain, and promote feelings of calmness, relaxation, and love.

You can inhale lavender essential oil, slather on moisturizer infused with lavender, or just put dried lavender in a vase in your room, in order to relieve stress naturally.

  1. Massage

You know how great is the feeling when you get your hair shampooed at the salon? Well, you can recreate that at home.

To get rid of the tension, you should massage the scalp with the fingertips, moving from the hairline to the back of the head quite a few times.

You can also try an aromatherapy massage or Swedish massage. It involves nice soothing strokes that can improve circulation and relieve stress naturally.

  1. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is an extraordinary herd that has numerous benefits. Consuming chamomile tea soothes the nervous system, relieves stress and gives you a better sleep.

Make yourself a cup of chamomile tea each time when you feel stressed and you will fell the calming effects immediately. 

  1. Healthy food

It has been much time proven that junk food makes people depressed (and not even to mention fat), so you need to get a proper diet. Fruits and vegetables are always welcomed. Moreover, whole grains, protein, and fish with a high level of omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to relieve stress naturally.

Your Health Tubers suggest you a tuna sandwich that is really good brain food. You can have it anytime when you’re in a hurry, or something, as a pick-me-up healthy sandwich.

  1. Exercise 

Exercise every time you can. It doesn’t necessarily mean you should go to the gym everyday or training for a marathon. Simply a short walk can offer instant relief in a stressful situation.

Further, you can also try running, yoga or meditation to relax and get rid of the negative thoughts. Exercises are releasing endorphins into our brain and improve our mood.

  1. Sleep 

Sleep is one of the most significant stress reducers. People under stress usually struggle with sleep. For that reason, you should reduce the consumption of caffeine and get yourself a good sleep hygiene.

In order to relieve stress naturally, you should avoid having a large dinner close to bedtime, and avoid exercises in the 3 hours before sleep. Just manage your time, and find the right balance that will make you feel rested. Take a warm bath, turn off the TV earlier, and try to relax. These rituals will help you to promote better sleep.

  1. B Vitamins 

B vitamins play an important role in promoting the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as fight fatigue and induce relaxation. Actually, indications of B vitamins deficiency include depression, apathy, irritability, so to eliminate all of these symptoms, you should increase the intake of foods rich in B vitamins. You can find them in cereal grains, beans, nuts, peas, eggs, dairy products, and liver.

You can also combine foods or supplements that contain vitamins B and magnesium to relieve stress naturally.




Stress is a natural part of our lives. It is related to many aspects of both mental and physical health. With time, stress can negatively affect our nervous, digestive and immune system, as well as our overall health. Therefore, you should really try to practice these tips every day to relieve stress naturally.